Vocational Studies Application Process
Applications can be submitted at any time.
What’s on offer?
Scholarships for people employed in the forestry or wood sectors, and undertaking on-the-job learning that lead to a work-related qualification, such as apprenticeships.
Who can apply?
Persons employed in the forestry or wood sectors who:
are commencing or continuing apprenticeship studies
are commencing or continuing studies towards an trade qualification that has relevance to the forestry or wood sectors, and:
have demonstrated a conscientious approach to learning and personal development through their high school years
will be taking studies for a period of at least 12-months to which any scholarship awarded will apply.
Before you begin:
Before proceeding to the application form please ensure you have the following to hand:
Your IRD number
Photo ID – a scanned copy of either your Driver’s Licence, Passport or 18+ Card
A 300-word essay commenting on why you think you are deserving of support from the WIDE Trust
A copy of your High School Testimonial (first year students) or a written character reference from a non family member
A letter of support from an industry contact (non mandatory)