Undergraduate Studies Application Process

Applications close at the end of January annually, for the ensuing academic year.

What’s on offer?

Scholarships for students studying towards an undergraduate tertiary qualification that has relevance to a career in the forestry or wood sectors.

Who can apply?

Persons who are New Zealand citizens and who are:

  • commencing study (either full or part-time) towards an undergraduate qualification that has relevance to an intended career in the forestry or wood sectors.


  • continuing study (either full or part-time) towards an undergraduate qualification that has relevance to an intended career in the wood or forestry sectors, and have demonstrated a conscientious approach to learning and personal development through high school.

Before you begin:

Before proceeding to the application form please ensure you have the following to hand:

  • Your IRD number

  • Photo ID – a scanned copy of either your Driver’s Licence, Passport or 18+ Card

  • A 500-word essay commenting on your family situation, things you are most proud of in your life, why you have chosen the study option for which you are applying for funding, your career objectives etc.

  • A copy of your High School Testimonial (first year students) or a written character reference from a non family member or friend. Note: references to be physically signed by the referee.

  • Copies of academic results for studies completed to date towards your tertiary qualification (not applicable to first year students)

  • A letter of support from an industry contact

Start Your Application