Best Practice Study Tour

Applications close on 31st July annually for study tours to be undertaken in the following calendar year

What’s on offer?

A travel grant of up to NZD$30,000, to cover travel and accommodation expenses for an eligible candidate, or candidates, to undertake an international tour of no less than two-weeks’ duration, to study leading edge practices and innovations in either the forestry or wood industries globally.

Who can apply?

Any person who is a New Zealand citizen, is actively pursuing a career in the forestry or wood industry sectors in New Zealand, at a senior management level and has had several years experience in either industry. Ideally, applicants will be a member of the senior management team in the business, be in a position of influence that allows them to implement key study tour learnings and lead change initiatives in their business and encourage new and innovative approaches within the industry. Applications close on 31st July annually for study tours to be undertaken in the following calendar year.

Conditions of the Grant?

Grant recipients must:

  • be citizens of New Zealand

  • complete the study tour within 15-months of having been awarded a grant

  • present face-to-face feedback on key learnings from the study tour to the WIDE Trust Trustees at the first opportunity following the conclusion of the study tour

It is expected successful candidates and/or their management sponsors will contribute towards some costs associated with the study tour. Evidence of management sponsor support and financial contribution that will be made either by the applicant or their employer is required to be included as part of the application process.

The following will be required to be submitted to the Trust by successful applicants prior to grant monies being paid out
- a fully scoped itinerary including details of why the companies/persons selected to be visited
have been chosen
- documentation to verify travel and accommodation costs to be incurred

The WIDE Trust Trustees reserve the right to award, amend or withdraw this grant opportunity at their discretion.

Start Your Application